Alloy 20 Stainless Steel Chemical Composition Properties, Grade, Charts and Document

Alloy 20 stainless steel, which is commonly regarded as Carpenter 20, has this special quality of resistance to corrosion in most environments with corrosive factors. This alloy is made of nickel, chromium and molybdenum, it has superior resistance to the acid, phosphoric acid as well as chloride stress corrosion cracking. This composition is an excellent example of the use of iron not only in chemical processing, pharmaceutical, and food industries but also in many other sectors. The Alloy 20 shows good mechanical properties as well as good weldability and fabrication properties which allows it to be easily used for fabrication. Its main structure consist of 24% nickel, 20% chromium, 3-4% copper, and 2-3% molybdenum, that go to the formation of the rest of its elements. Highly detailed tables, charts and documentation provide a comprehensive knowledge about its features, including those which could be utilized to create material that will not corrode in corrosive environments.

Alloy 20 Stainless Steel Chemical Composition And Grade Table

Alloy 20 Stainless Steel, which is also called Carpenter 20, is a widely used multi-purpose material that has excellent corrosion resistance. Its chemical constituents, which are mainly nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo), and copper (Cu), have high acid resistance. Especially in the presence of sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid or any other types of acid and corrosive environments. Typical nickel alloys roster contain nickel (32-38%), chromium (19-21%), copper (3-4%), molybdenum (2-3%), iron (27-30%), and tiny amounts of other elements. Moreover, this combination gives to Alloy 20 an excellent corrosion resistance and makes this alloy useful in different cases from the chemical processing field up to the cooking and pharmaceutical equipment.

Alloy 20 Stainless Steel
Elements Fe Ni Cr Cu Mn Mo Nb Si C P S
Min (%) - 32 19 3 - 2 - - - - -
Max (%) 35 38 21 4 2 3 1 1 0.07 0.045 0.035

Advantages and Disadvantages of Alloy 20 Stainless Steel


  • Excellent corrosion resistance: Corrosion control and protection is one of the area of applications since it is resistant to corrosive substances such as sulfuric acid and chloride solutions.

  • Versatility: Applicable in a large variety of industries including the chemical processing industry and the pharmaceutical trade.

  • Easy fabrication: It also exhibits good formability as well as weldability in order to make it easier to shape into different forms that can be interconnected through welding.

  • Long-term durability: It has a long-term efficiency with the client required to provide insignificant maintenance making it a low lifecycle cost investment.


  • Cost: It costs relatively higher than some other types of stakes made of stainless steel alloy.

  • Limited availability: Some of the following may not be as easily accessible they are other more standard or more traditional stainless steel grades.

  • Sensitivity to temperature: High temperature embrittlement and affecting the mechanical properties are major problems with these materials.

  • Pitting corrosion risk: Vulnerable to pitting corrosion especially in some harsh environments, needed regular check up to ensure they are functioning properly.

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