CuNi30Mn1Fe Copper Alloy Chemical Properties, Grade, Table and Online Pdf

CuNi30Mn1Fe, commonly known as Copper Nickel 70/30, is a corrosion-resisting alloy, in which copper is the dominating component; copper is primarily responsible for the excellent corrosion resistance, especially in marine settings. This alloy chemical composition is composed by 70% copper and 30% nickel with trace amounts of manganese and iron, therefore its mechanical attributes are exceptional featuring its resistance to erosion, biofouling and stress corrosion cracking. Due to its capability of keeping working in harsh environment, CuNi30Mn1Fe is widely applied to ship building, offshore structures and desalination plants. Its chemically well-made composition makes it a choice material for applications where long life and reliability is required in place of corrosion. In manufacturing and engineering, engineers refer extensively to a diagram of the different grades, properties and applications of the material to make a quick and informed decision on selection and design.

CuNi30Mn1Fe Coppers Chemical Composition And Grade Table

The alloy called CuNi30Mn1Fe or Copper Nickel 30/1 is well-recognized due to its exceptional corrosion resistance, most notably in marine conditions. Its chemical structure is generally made up of 65-70% copper, 15-18% nickle, and 1% iron and manganese each, hereinafter denoted by the composition %. Thanks to the wide food supply, it is popular in the industries such as shipping, offshore oil and chemical processing, because it is both durable and corrosion resistance. CuNi30Mn1Fe fits the requirements of many international standards and grades, in some cases being the only product to meet all the demands. As such, it can be depended on in all kinds of industrial applications.

CuNi30Mn1Fe Copper Composition Table
Elements Cu Fe C Mn Ni P S Co Pb Zn Sn Others
Min (%) - 0.4 - 0.5 30 - - - - - - -
Max (%) Rem 1 0.05 1.5 32 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.2

The Advantages and Disadvantages of CuNi30Mn1Fe Copper Material Properties, CuNi30Mn1Fe Properties


  • High Corrosion Resistance: CuNi30Mn1Fe, the zinc nickel manganese alloy, offers outstanding resistance to corrosion enabling its application in marine environment, the chemical processing industries among others.

  • Good Thermal Stability: This copper-nickel alloy has a tensile strength that remains unchanged as a result of heating, which enables the material to resist shifts in thermal stress without major degradations.

  • Low Magnetic Permeability: CuNi30Mn1Fe offers a possibility of low magnetic permeability, an indicator of suitability for applications in which magnetic interference poses a problem, like in electronic equipment with highly sensitive elements.

  • Excellent Ductility: The high ductility of this material allows us to perform easy conversion and forming processes. Therefore, it becomes a good choice material for most of the manufacturing applications.

  • Biocompatibility: The CuNi30Mn1Fe material is biocompatible which makes it an appropriate choice for those medical applications that deals with implants and surgical instruments in addition to the human body compatibility where it is not advisable.


  • Cost: The production cost of CuNi30Mn1Fe is more high than that of other copper alloys, after which application may not be so economical due to cost being higher.

  • Low Electrical Conductivity: Although there is still conductivity, the CuNi30Mn1Fe alloy would be a little less conductive than pure copper, thus, limiting its uses in applications that need high conductivity.

  • Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking: Stress corrosion cracking of CuNi30Mn1Fe is a phenomena which in special conditions may cause the failure of components. It depends on the type of environment.

  • Limited Weldability: The alloy's chemical composition is likely to present some real difficulties in fusion welding, which will need expert execution and special techniques to be end product of a quality.

  • Potential Sensitivity to Environmental Conditions: The CuNi30Mn1Fe may encounter some extreme environmental conditions which should be well-studied first to make sure a perfect fit for the application environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What chemical formula do we have for the alloy of CuNi30Mn1Fe?

The chemical formula of this alloy sp should generally connect copper (Cu) with nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe).

Which qualities of CuNi30Mn1Fe copper are available?

Following common voting for copper grade, we use ASTM B111, DIN 17664 and EN 12451.

Let me know where I can possibly get a complete CuNi30Mn1Fe manifesto.

A chart encompassing CuNi30Mn1Fe features and specifications is available in technical manuals as well as online databases provided by distributors or industry associations for the purpose.

Is the availability of the PDF resource for CuNi30Mn1Fe downloadable or more of a paper version?

It is true that downloadable PDF data for the alloy CuNi30Mn1Fe include its datasheets and specifications, among equally other sources on various websites online.

Where do CuNi30Mn1Fe copperadays find their most popular use?

CuNi30Mn1Fe copper is usually used in delivery of electrical and electronic goods, in marine cases, and heat exchangers for its high anti-corrosive and thermal conductive properties.

What copper alloys CuNi30Mn1Fe is comparable to?

CuNi30Mn1Fe exhibits an edge in corrosion resistance as compared to other common copper alloys and is hence an apt choice for marine applications and industrial settings which require working under harshest conditions.