Inconel Alloy 718 Chemical Composition Properties, Grade, Tables and PDF Online

Incoloy 718, a nickel-chromium based costly alloy of super strength, is often used where terms with very harsh working conditions that also require corrosion-resistance properties are important. The nickel-chrome alloy compound is characterized by its nickel, chromium, iron, niobium, molybdenum, titanium, and aluminum chemistry. The resultant mixture is unparalleled in industrial service because of its resistance to oxidation and corrosion at high temperatures. Grade 718 is a material that exhibits superior tensile, fatigue, creep and fracture strength. As such, it is considered the ideal choice for supporting the operations of aircrafts, turbines, reactors and chemical reactors. Tables and charts of mechanical aspects of the material, the equilibrium in heat capacity and the corrosion rate are to be given by engineers and manufacturers for solving the problem of design. Available PDF about Inconel Alloy 718 provide a comprehensive know-how that give support to material selection, design, and fabrication processes for various industries' purpose.

Inconel Alloy 718 Chemical Composition And Grade Table

Inconel Alloy 718, being a nickel-chromium superalloy gaining notoriety for its high strength and corrosion resistance, has a chemical composition that is critical to multiple industries. It contains mainly nickel (22%). This means a combination of chromium, iron, niobium and molybdenum. This material additionally involves touch of Titanium, Aluminum and others that give it health benefits. The alloy is characterised by a remarkable resistance to oxidation, corrosion, and high temperatures, which allows for it to be used in aircraft production, the chemical industry and in marine conditions. It is this alloy that has a precise composition formula and spec, thus ensuring an exact fit and exceptional reliability in the conditions of service. This alloy has earned its name as the best material for engineering.

Inconel Alloy 718 Composition Table
Elements C Mn P S Si Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti Al Co B Cu Ta Fe
Min (%) - - - - - 17 50 2.80 4.75 0.65 0.20 - - - - -
Max (%) 0.08 0.35 0.015 0.015 0.35 21 55 3.30 5.50 1.15 0.80 1.00 0.006 0.30 0.05 Balance

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inconel Alloy 718


  • High temperature strength: A few mechanical properties such as tensile strength, hardness and elongation etc are maintained or even improved at high operating temperature.

  • Versatility: It is versatile that can be used in many fields like aerospace industry, automotive industry, and marine industry.

  • Excellent weldability: Has good weldability in that it does not require difficult processes to create a good weld.

  • High corrosion resistance: Exhibits high levels of resistance to corrosion and oxidation that can be applicable in most extreme environments.


  • Expensive: For some applications, it may be expensive, but this could be particularly due to its expensive price.

  • Sensitivity to machining: Should be well filed as work hardening is bound to occur when using improper machining methods.

  • Susceptible to stress corrosion cracking: may however, experience stress corrosion cracking when exposed to certain conditions.

  • Limited availability in some forms: Since some shapes come in small sizes or in forms that are more specific to certain purposes, one may find them quite difficult to obtain.

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