Inconel Alloy 939 Chemical Composition, Grades, Chart and Online Pdf

Incoloy Alloy 939 is a composite of super alloys made of nickel which is well known for its exceptional strength and resistance to high temperatures and corrosion. Its chemical composition generally consists of nickel, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, titanium, aluminum plus some amounts of other elements. The composition of grade 939 ensures its superior mechanical properties, which make it suitable for the extreme environment of aerospace industry, gas turbines and nuclear reactors. Due to its extraordinary strength and a high resistance to creep and oxidation at high temperatures, it provides unfailing reliability even in the most stringent conditions. Engineers and manufacturers mostly rely on tables, charts and PDFs available online to make conscious choices regarding the composition, grades, and properties of a material, which is crucial for all decisions of materials selection and design.

Inconel Alloy 939 Chemical Composition And Grade Table

Inconel Alloy 939 is a precipitation-hardening nickel alloy well-known for its outstanding high-temperature strength and corrosion resistance. This one is mainly made of nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), molybdenum (Mo), aluminum (Al), titanium (Ti), and smaller amounts of other elements. Its structure is composed of precise ratios and properly controlled impurities and this therefore demonstrates its superior mechanical properties and makes it suitable for different applications in aerospace, gas turbine engines and industrial processes. The table of grades outlines the deviations to match special performance requirements that may be present in extremely harsh conditions, thus the reliability and durability are ensured.

Inconel Alloy 939 Composition Table
Elements Ni Cr Co Ti W Al Ta Nb Mn Si C Zr
Min (%) - 22 18 3 1 1 1 0.50 - - - -
Max (%) Balance 23 20 4.50 3 3 1.80 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.15 0.10

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inconel Alloy 939


  • Creep Resistant: High temperature creep resistance is another advantage of the material.

  • Oxidation Resistant: Parts should also have good oxidation resistance up to 850°C.

  • Fatigue Strength: Suitable for operations that require objects for substantial cyclic loads where high fatigue strength is required.

  • Stability: It resists high temperature structures to retain mechanical strength and durability in service.


  • Cost: High nickel and cobalt content make this option costlier than the other options of making the automobile.

  • Welding: It is very delicate in terms of Welding and requires special WELDING techniques to prevent cracking.

  • Ductility: The important properties that are different from others are: lower ductility as compared to other superalloys.

  • Availability: Some of the key issues linked with the keen cup hinge on; For instance, there are several aspects that are associated with the keen cup; One of the issues, with the keen cup is;

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