AISI 303 Stainless Steel Chemical Composition, Grade, Chart and PDF Online

AISI303 which is a common austenitic stainless steel with superior machinability and corrosion resistance is a commonly used product. In general it has a chemical make-up, including high portions of chromium and nickel. Expand with sulfur and selenium for better machinability. AISI 303 grades is differentiated, and in crux, the purpose is specified. Engineers and manufacturers are well-known for utilizing charts and pdf documents showing the of the alloy, its different grades and physical properties in order to make the right decisions. This inclusive database helps in the selection of an alloy that perfectly serves diverse usages entities leading to the best of performance and reliability . AISI 303, being an alloy with accompanies features of machinability, strength, and corrosion protection, is a widely used throughout the manufacturing, aerospace, and precision engineering segment of industries.

AISI 303 Austenitic Stainless Steel Chemical Composition And Grade Table

An austenitic stainless steel belonging to the AISI 303 family is an alloy with a chemical composition that consists of chromium, nickel, and sulfur in high amounts, exhibiting good machinability, corrosion resistance and formability at the same time. The composition, which contains the right portions of carbon and manganese, is versatile as it can be used in many different industries being cast in varied shapes. Engineers and producers usually refer to the grade table and follow the appropriate variant of AISI 303 to accommodate their distinctive needs, assuring the best service with total reliance in harsh environments.

AISI 303 Austenitic Stainless Steel
Elements C Mn Si P S Cr Mo Ni Se
Min (%) - - - - 0.15 17.0 - 8.0 -
Max (%) 0.15 2.00 1.00 0.20 - 19.0 - 10.0 -

The Advantages and Disadvantages of AISI 303 Austenitic Stainless Steel


  • Corrosion resistance: The highly corrosion-resistant 303 steel grade is well suited for being used in places with different surroundings and this may include corrosive applications.

  • High strength: It has its own aesthetic appeal and thus renders excellent shear stability as well as flexibility in rigorous contexts.

  • Ease of fabrication: AISI 303 is a highly workable material, which can be easily carved and welded to take complex shapes, and that indeed eases the manufacturing process.

  • Temperature resistance: Being in its mechanical nature even at the temperature of the surroundings, it is therefore reliable in applications of high temperature.

  • Hygienic properties: Moreover, with the silky smooth surface finish, the AISI 303 grade makes cleaning easy, thus suitable for settings with high hygiene standards such as food equipment.


  • Sensitivity to heat treatment: AISI 303 is likely to have reduced mechanical qualities if heat treatment processes is improper applied.

  • Magnetism: It features some magnetic properties, they not being as the requirements of applications of anti-magnetism, and this is not what is demanded in such applications.

  • Work hardening: AISI 303, a heat treatable steel, has the potential for severe work hardening during the fabrication process, so great care should be taken in selection of the forming processes.

  • Cost: The AISI 303 stainless steel possesses higher qualities in comparison to other stainless steel grades, however it might be also more expensive, therefore making it less affordable for some applications.

  • Limited chemical resistance: While being corrosion-resistant, it may not be reliable in environments with high acidity levels or extensive chlorine exposure, so a careful material selection can be an imperative for some applications.

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