AISI 1518 Carbon Steel Chemical Composition & Properties, Grades, Charts and Online Pdf

AISI 1518 is a low carbon manganese type alloy with a reputable weldability and formability provided for different types of industrial application and embodying. Its chemical makeup consist of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur and silicon; the structural characteristics result from these material properties. Featuring a low carbon content of approximately 0.15%, it is a material that does well with machineability and can be easily welded using standard welding methods. AISI 1518 shows a high potential in strength and toughness, which allows them for utilisation in the load-bearing components under the load of medium blows. The combinational properties of the alloy enable the manufacturing of shafts, gears, and the parts that need to have high surface hardness and wear resistance. Tables, Charts and the online PDFs with all the relevant details on what grade, the respective mechanical properties and applications, are instrumental for engineers and manufacturers in selecting the best material and processing technique.

AISI 1518 Carbon Steel Chemical Composition And Grade Table

AISI 1518 is the name of a low carbon steel, which gains appreciation in the industry for its welding and shape-changing properties. Therefore, it is widely used across various industrial applications. Its main chemical composition is happening during the combining of elements such as carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, and others. The grade chart generally features the specific ranges of performance, which serve for wings replacement and improve quality of flight. This material has both great strength and ductility, hence, this material offers reliable mechanical properties for the processes such as machining, forging both in the manufacturing operations. The quality table of engineering and fabrication usually serves as a reference for them to pick the appropriate material and plan the manufacturing.

AISI 1518 Carbon Steel Composition Table
Elements Fe C Cu Mn P S
Min (%) - 0.15 - 1.1 - -
Max (%) Balance 0.21 0.2 1.4 0.04 0.05

Advantages and Disadvantages of AISI 1518 Carbon Steel


  • High strength: Ideal for prevalent usage.

  • Good toughness: High impact resistance effects.

  • Wear resistance: Suitable for high-stress environments.

  • Machinable: Can be easily machined with close tolerance limits.


  • Limited availability: Somewhat difficult to find compared to other carbon steels.

  • Moderate corrosion resistance: Susceptible to corrosion in certain conditions.

  • Moderate hardenability: Limited capability for heat treatment.

  • Higher cost: Some grades are relatively costly compared to lower carbon steel grades.

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