UNS C90300 Tin Bronze Chemical Composition & Properties, Grades, Chart and PDF Online

UNS C90300, holding the name in even contests with Tin Bronze, is the copper alloy mostly known for its excellent corrosion resistance and machinability potential. Its chemical structure includes copper (Cu) as a major component, with tin (Sn) being the most significant alloying element. In addition, these items contain other elements that are present merely in a minute amount to improve specific characteristics. Specifically, tin bronze has advantages in mechanical property, which has resulted in wide range of applications such as bearings, bushings, pump components, valve fittings and others. Generally, it is grade separated according to the tin content, with the higher tin content grades providing more strength and wear resistance. Comprehensive tables, charts and PDF resources that manufacturers can easily access online are relied on by engineers to obtain highly detailed information about the composition, properties, and grades of Tin Bronze for informed decision-making while selecting materials and application.

UNS C90300 Tin Bronze Chemical Composition And Grade Table

UNS C90300 specified as Tin Bronze is popular for its high machinability, great corrosion resistance, and good wear resistance. Comprised of copper that has tin as the main alloying part, it usually contains around a 88% – 91% amount of copper with a 7% to 9% portion of tin and with traces of lead, phosphorus, and zinc. Composition of such materials is highly remarkable when it comes to mechanical properties that led to its suitability for uses like bearings, bushings, gears, and valves. Its specifications and grade are totally subject to its quality table which assures the same degree of consistency and reliability for its performance in various industrial applications.

UNS C90300 Tin Bronze Composition Table
Elements Cu Sn Zn
Min (%) - - -
Max (%) 88 8 4

The Advantages and Disadvantages of UNS C90300 Copper Material Properties, C90300 Properties


  • Corrosion Resistance: UNS C90300 copper is relatively immune to corrosion and therefore it can be used in conditions that prevail where water is present such as in marine surroundings.

  • High Strength: This alloy has favorable mechanical characteristics which include high strength and hardness, which are beneficial in most applications.

  • Machinability: C90300 has desirable machinability which makes it possible to be worked on through cutting, turning, bending, and other operations to produce different parts and members.

  • Good Thermal Conductivity: As with other copper alloys, UNS C90300 exhibits good hot carrying capability, and therefore used for heat exchange equipment, cooling systems and similar applications.

  • Resistance to Wear and Friction: By adding tin in this alloy, it has an improved wear-resistant property, which is ideal for use in devices or products with movable parts such as sliding or rotating.


  • Cost: Some of the copper alloys like the UNS C90300 can be somewhat costly compared to other materials which can make their incorporation in a project or product expensive.

  • Potential for Dezincification: C90300 provides fairly high levels of corrosion protection, although it is prone to dezincification where exposure to aggressive agents such as acids or salt is likely.

  • Limited Weldability: Like many copper alloys, C90300 copper is not easy to weld, and certain measures need to be taken to prevent conditions such as hot cracking and porosity.

  • Material Density: Copper alloys are generally heavier in weight compared to other materials, for example a weight consideration is the density of the material.

  • Availability of Stock Shapes: Depending on the particular application, it may be difficult to locate stock shapes or standard forms of UNS C90300 copper as compared to more conventional materials.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What elements does the UNS C90300 tin bronze contain?

Chemical constituents can be copper (Cu) and tin (Sn) in varying proportions; the presence of zinc (Zn) or phosphorus (P) in small quantities may also be observed.

What are the characteristics of UNS C90300 tin bronze?

UNS C90300 Manganese Bronze comes under the bronze grade family.

Is there a variation in the grades of UNS C90300 tin bronze?

UNS C90300 is alloy but it can be in different grade and thus has slight variation in properties due to variation in composition and processing.

Is there a PDF format available on the internet containing UNNC C90300 tin bronze specifications?

Yes, the specifications, chemical compositions, mechanical properties, and other such information can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website or the material database in PDF format.