AISI 1060 Carbon Steel Chemical Composition & Properties, Grades, Charts and Pdf

AISI 1060 carbon steel is a medium-carbon steel which possesses a superior combination of strength and hardness attributes. From its chemical composition, the compound’s main composition included carbon, manganese, sulfide, phosphorus, and tire rubber. Having a carbon content of a bit less than 0.6%, it can be welded, machined, and heat treatment changes the mechanical properties of it. AISI 1060 finds application encompassing shafts, gears, axles and pivots in the field of industries such as agriculture and manufacturing. Due to its unique qualities it can be utilized for systems requiring high quality and wear resistance. Extensive table, charts and PDFs are readily accessible for they provide information about mechanical properties, heat treatment processes, and material grades. They are intended for the use of engineers and manufacturers who are looking for the right material for their applications.

AISI 1060 Carbon Steel Chemical Composition And Grade Table

AISI 1060 carbon steel is a typical material because of the high percentage of carbon, making it appropriate for uses calling for strength and hardness. Usually, its chemical composition contains carbon concentration from 0.55% to 0.65%, from 0.60% to 0.90% manganese, from 0.04% phosphorus, and from 0.05% sulfur. The steel grade here is kinda very tough, wear resistant and machinable as it has the ability to stay in good condition for longer. It fulfills many different roles in the field of industry, being utilized for instance in shafts, gearboxes, axles, and machine parts manufacturing. The combination of features makes it fit for a wide range of applications, from those requiring low stress up to those with high stress load. As such, it continues to enjoy widespread acceptance in various industries.

AISI 1060 Carbon Steel Composition Table
Elements Iron, Fe Manganese, Mn Carbon, C Sulfur, S Phosphorous, P
Min (%) 98.35 0.6 0.55 - -
Max (%) 98.85 0.9 0.66 ≤ 0.050 ≤ 0.040

Advantages and Disadvantages of AISI 1060 Carbon Steel


  • High strength: Ideal for structural and construction needs.

  • Wear resistance: Provides acceptable wear resistance.

  • Ease of heat treatment: Responds well to heat treatment.

  • Good edge retention: Suitable for cutting applications.


  • Susceptible to corrosion: Requires proper coatings or alloy additions.

  • Brittle: May be low durability, especially in very cold temperatures.

  • Limited weldability: May require preheating and post-weld heat treatment.

  • Surface finish: Some uses may require additional finishing.

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