Electrolytic Tough Pitch Copper (ETP) Chemical Composition, Grades, Chart and Document

Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) Copper is famous for superb chemical composition and grades which provide it an exceptional performance in several applications. It is generally known that the content of copper in it reaches a high level with small extraneous impurities which ensures a high degree of conductivity and mechanical properties. The grades are within this standard that give are situation specific, and different levels of purity and performance or purity and processability. A comprehensive chart, tables and PDF-based resource offer great details on grades of a material, thus engineers and manufacturers will easy select the right material for their purpose. Regardless of the field, electric wiring or plumbing, to industrial machinery, ETP Copper is equally highly valued for the type of material consistency and quality it brings to different applications.

Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) Copper Composition And Grades Table

ETP copper, which is famous for its high purity and excellent conductivity, is commonly used in different industries. Usually the composition of copper of electrolytic purity (EPTP copper grade) reaches up to 99.9% which gives very good electrical and thermal conductivity properties to this metal. This composition could contain fragments of oxygen and other elements aiming at giving an appliance to be used for any application. Every ETP copper se feature different grades, each one is created to provide the desired standard and meet required stipulations. Be it in the wiring of electricity, pipework of plumbing or electronics device, the consistent compatibility and grade of ETP copper is durable and delivers efficiency in different industrial applications settings.

Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) Copper Composition Table
Elements Cu O Ag
Min (%) 99.90 0.040 -
Max (%) 100 - 0.0001

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) Copper Material Properties, Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) Properties


  • Excellent Electrical Conductivity: By virtue of the ASTM Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) standards and with a very high electrical conductivity of more than 99%, this alloy is fit for applications such as connectors, conductors, and electrical components attuned to provide efficient current flow.
  • High Thermal Conductivity: Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) has the ability of temperature transmission in both HVAC systems, conditioners, and industry processes due to its high specific heat.
  • Good Corrosion Resistance: Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) is a material used in the production of various household appliances, ranging from coffee mugs to outdoor grills. It begins to form a protective oxide crust above 300°C that provides it with stability against corrosion.
  • Ductility and Formability: Ductility to a very high point makes Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) capable of being fabricated with convenience, and thus suitable for a huge number of applications in manufacturing.
  • Resistance to Hydrogen Embrittlement: Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) supporting the work system in the presence of hydrogen with high pressures "prevents" hydrogen embrittlement and material degradation.


  • High Cost: Oxygen-free pure copper, which is valued for its extremely high purity, is more expensive than the majority of alloys because of scarce raw materials and difficulties in manufacture.
  • Limited Availability: The manufacture of copper alloy being Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) may be as complex as it can turn out to be a number of the reasons that may lead to its limited availability hence, reducing its market volume.
  • Limited Strength: This alloy displays a very good electrical conductivity but does not have strength enough to be employed in load bearing processes where it is a must to reinforce it using other metals.
  • Not Ideal for High-Temperature Applications: Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) has very low melting point which limits its application into high temperature field especially in hard use cases.
  • Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking: The alloy Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) has been found with the potential of stress corrosion cracking, under the other loading conditions and poses the question for developers, designers, and users to apply the careful design during manufacturing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you tell me the chemical composition of ETP copper?

ETP is usually 99.9% copper with few or no impurities.

How is ETP copper classified?

Electrical conductivity is used to classify ETP copper.

What are the applications of ETP copper?

For electrical wiring and plumbing are common applications of ETP copper.

Does ETP have accepted industry standards?

Yes, ASTM or EN standards usually govern ETP copper.