Who we are

We are a team of people who are completely focussed on providing accurate information to our readers. M4Metals, is just not a name, it is a thought that comes to one's mind, whenever one tries to search for data regarding products which include stainless steel, carbon steel and copper products.

Our data is in the form of weights and dimensions chart. Our primary goal is to impart information to users who really want to use our data for their projects, for you to excel in your projects.


What we do


We, at M4Metals, try our very best to search for data that is both accurate and precise. We strive very hard to make sure that the data is proper and correct, for the users to use it in their respective applications of their choice.

What we do is take care of the smallest details, so that the data provided by us can be of your help and we can be a part of success in your projects.

Get in touch

Head office

Unit SF - 133A - 24, 25 & 26 - Financial Center Rd - Downtown Dubai - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Email [email protected]

India office

68 Street, 1st Floor, Plot number 4, 5 & 6, Mumbai, Maharashtra (INDIA)

Email [email protected]