AISI 5155H Alloy Steel Chemical Composition Properties, Grade, Chart and PDF Online

AISI 5155H is a carbon steel alloy with very high rockwell hardness, makes it an excellent choice for many structural and industrial applications. Generally, it consists of atoms of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, chromium, and molybdenum, the essential elements responsible for its multiple functions. Having a carbon content of 0.55 to 0.65%, it is made of such strong, durable and appropriate alloy for the various industries. The medium grade of steel is often used in the production of auto parts, machine parts and tool equipments that require the strength of higher tensile tensile and wear resistance. A full table, chart and pdf illustrating its attributes such as tensile strength, yield strength, hardness and elongation are publicly and widely available on the web, making it easier for engineers and makers to choose proper material for their job.

AISI 5155H Alloy Steel Chemical Composition And Grade Table

AISI 5155H alloy steel is a versatile material that is acknowledged for its strength and durability in manufacture across different industries due to its properties. The chemical makeup of the ore often contains among elements such as carbon, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chromium or molybdenum. Moreover, this structure attributes certain properties to the metal, as for example, strong hardenability, wear- resistance, and tough. AISI 5155H falls under the umbrella of a superior quality alloy steel side of the table. It is one of the strongest that deals with high loads and extreme temperatures, as well as resisting corrosion. Like other producers, the designers and manufacturers for elements in these parts belong to the AISI 5155H family that emphasizes more on the superb strength and reliability.

AISI 5155H Alloy Steel Composition Table
Elements C Mn Cr Si P S Fe
Min (%) 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.15 - - -
Max (%) 0.6 1 1 0.3 0.035 0.04 Balance

Advantages and Disadvantages of AISI 5155H Alloy Steel


  • Improved hardenability: Improved potential of aligning production with desired hardness in wider areas.

  • Enhanced fatigue resistance: Paired well with cyclic loading than customary 5155.

  • Good machinability: Retains ease of flow during machining.

  • Retains affordability: It is a balance between delivery of acceptable performance and cost beyond which benefits are not experienced.


  • Lower toughness: Slightly less tough than 5155 base material due to the addition of annealed layers leading to higher notch sensitivity.

  • Moderate corrosion susceptibility: Needs protection in extreme working conditions such as formation of oxidation skin.

  • Limited availability: It may not be as popular as other types of steel, that is, they are not as easily available as other steels.

  • Higher cost: Often, they cost higher than the standard 5155 because of their better characteristics.

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