AISI 434 Ferritic Stainless Steel Chemical Composition & Properties, Grade, Chart and Pdf

The AISI 434 is a ferritic type of stainless steel that has corrosion resistance and excellent durability as its main characteristics. It is made up of majorly iron, chromium, and molybdenum, therefore, its chemical formula mostly includes 16-18% chromium and 1% molybdenum in addition to small amounts of carbon, manganese, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen. This alloy grant the material excellent resilience to corrosion; especially chloride concentration with high temperature. 434 AISI takes part in the manufacturing of engineering in the sectors of the automotive, construction as well as machinery and equipment industries. Compared with common materials used in its constituent parts, it has magnetic properties, which allows the use of magnetic devices. Amplifiers may have grades and a range of specifications depending on standards and demand of the manufacturers. Comprehensive information in the form of high resolution charts, tables and PDFs is uploaded online for grades, properties and applications knowledge to make well informed engineering and industrial decisions.

AISI 434 Ferritic Stainless Steel Chemical Composition And Grade Table

AISI 434 is a ferritic stainless steel with a remarkable resilience against corrosion and also with a high level of strength. The alloy is made up mostly of iron, chromium, and molybdenum, with carbon, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur and nickel being just minor elements among them. The parameters of AISI 434 are given in the grade table distinctly. The table lets you know the resistance of the steel under different environments, its mechanical capacity as well as the appropriate areas for certain applications. This stainless steel alloy gets employed in different instances like automotive exhaust pipes, building trim and kitchen utensils, thanks to its excellent durability and attractive features.

AISI 434 Ferritic Stainless Steel
Elements Fe Cr Mo Si Mn C P S
Min (%) - - - - - - - -
Max (%) 81 16 1 1 1 0.12 0.040 0.030

Advantages and Disadvantages of AISI 434 Ferritic Stainless Steel


  • Good Corrosion Resistance: It has good resistance to corrosion in moderately corrosive environments.

  • Heat Resistance: Has good strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures.

  • Magnetic Properties: It has magnetic features, which can be beneficial in some ways.

  • Cost-Effective: Usually less expensive than austenitic stainless steels.


  • Limited Weldability: A material which is prone to sensitization and tends to become brittle during the welding operations.

  • Low Toughness: This is due to the fact that they have a lower toughness than the austenitic stainless steels.

  • Lower Chromium Content: Lower chromium content may affect the ability of the coating to perform well in a severe environment with regards to corrosion.

  • Limited Cold Forming: It has low ductility and is rather difficult to cold form compared to some of the other stainless steel grades.

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