Inconel Alloy 740 Chemical Composition Properties, Grades, Chart and Online Pdf

Due to its high-temperature, the nickel-based alloy Inconel Alloy 740 is recognized as being of the highest quality when it comes to resistance to oxidation in severe environmental conditions. Its compositions generally consist of nickel, chromium, iron and some other chemical components in order to improve its performance. Grades of Inconel 740 are characterized by their precisely determined chemical composition and heat treatment which makes them suitable for different applications. The complete chart, listing its properties including tensile strength, yield strength and elongation, will provide the engineers and manufacturers with key information. The viewing of an online PDF, table and chart could provide the user with readily available detailed technical specifications and instructions on how to apply Inconel Alloy 740 in challenging situations involving the use of the material like aerospace and gas turbine engines as well as in petrochemical processing.

Inconel Alloy 740 Chemical Composition And Grade Table

Inconel Alloy 740 is a cobalt-chromium based superalloy which is famous for its high strength and resistance to oxidation at high temperatures. Its chemical composition is usually made of nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), titanium (Ti) and small quantities of other elements). Grades may fluctuate slightly depending on the specific algorithms and manufacturers, but in general, Inconel Alloy 740 delivers exceptional performance in harsh environments such as gas turbines and nuclear reactors. Due to that composition, it has the combination of right mechanical properties and better creep resistance at elevated temperature making it ideal for those crucial applications.

Inconel Alloy 740 Composition Table
Elements Ni Cr Co Nb Ti Al Fe Si Mo Mn C
Max (%) 48.27 25 20 2 1.8 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.03

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inconel Alloy 740


  • High strength: Performs exceptionally well in terms of strength at room temperature and at high temperatures.

  • Oxidation resistance: Offers high resistance to oxidation, making it suitable for high-temperature operations.

  • Good fabricability: Can be easily fitted into intricate shapes and structures, making it appropriate for construction.

  • High creep rupture strength: Provides structural support that is not affected by prolonged exposure to high temperatures.


  • Limited availability: The use of simple alloys may be limited compared to other alloys that are in more frequent use.

  • Costly: Higher prices are attributed to its special features, different from the most common types of alloys.

  • Susceptible to embrittlement: Can undergo embrittlement in some environments and conditions.

  • Limited cold workability: Exhibits relatively lower levels of cold workability compared to other alloys.

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